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What is a Wellness Mindset & How can YOU cultivate one?

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

If you hang out around here often, follow me on Instagram, or maybe you're new here but find the topic of Wellness very interesting, you may have heard the term "Wellness Mindset". It's a trending topic lately around wellness blogs, social media, even doctors offices and yoga studios. So, I wanted to break that down for you today & offer some ways you might be able to cultivate (or grow your already-existing) wellness mindset!

A wellness mindset is a way of thinking about your health and wellness that prioritizes caring for all parts of yourself - physical, mental, and emotional - over following strict regimens or programs. It allows you to take responsibility for your own health and make choices to improve your overall well-being in a way that works for YOU, is sustainable, and enjoyable!


In this article we talk about:


Benefits of having a Wellness Mindset:

  • Making healthy choices feels easier

  • Stress & anxiety management

  • Improve your mood

  • Increase your energy levels

  • Find better sleep habits

  • Connect with others

  • Live a more fulfilling life


Here are some tips for developing a wellness mindset:

1. Let go of your fixed mindset.

Are you someone who believes you pretty much "get what you get" in life, and your intelligence, strengths, and abilities are set in stone? Maybe you think you are either good at something or not, and that's just the way it is. You are stuck in a fixed mindset! A growth mindset, on the other hand, is telling yourself that your abilities can be developed through effort and practice. You know that you can learn and grow, and that you are not limited by your current situation.


  • Fixed: I'm just not a morning person

  • Growth: If I stay consistent with setting my alarm clock early & going to bed early, I can start to enjoy the mornings more!

  • Fixed: I would never be able give up eating cheese, even though my body can't digest it!

  • Growth: I love cheese, but I'm looking for other delicious healthy ways to enjoy my food that my body is able to digest.

Letting go of your fixed mindset isn't as easy as just deciding that you're going to let go. Here's a few tips to help make it easier for you!:

  1. Awareness. You can't change something if you don't even notice it happening! Pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs about your abilities.

  2. Challenge. Once you notice them, start challenging your negative beliefs. If you believe you're not good at something, ask yourself: "Do I have any evidence to support this belief? Is there any way that I could be wrong?"

  3. Focus. Instead of focusing on your results, focus on how much effort you are putting into something. If your goal is to start waking up early, focus your attention on all the steps you're taking to make that happen!

  4. Celebrate. Every time you learn something new or achieve a goal, take a moment to celebrate your success. Celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small!

Developing a growth mindset is a lifelong journey. It takes time and effort to change your mindset, but a journey that is worth taking.

2. Be Committed.

Whether you want to eat healthier, exercise more, or reduce stress, making sustainable changes - changes that are going to last - does require commitment! And commitment is not as simple as saying you are going to do something.

Here's my 3 steps to making commitment easier.

  1. Realistic Goals. It starts with making realistic goals. Identifying what you want to achieve and break it down into smaller, achievable steps. For example, if your goal is to eat healthier, start by making one small change at a time, such as adding one more fruits or vegetables to your dinner. *Don't forget your goals should always be clearly defined - which is more clear: eating "more vegetables" or "one more vegetable with dinner"?

  2. Create a plan. So many of us think we can just jump into a lifestyle change by simply changing 1 or 2 things but what many people don't realize are all the more subtle changes that can help or hinder you in reaching your goals! This may mean scheduling time for exercise, meal planning, finding a babysitter or arranging school pick-ups so that you can have the TIME to focus on those goals.

  3. Choose your environment. Surround yourself with supportive people who will encourage you to stay on track and hold you accountable. Maybe find a coach to support you! Definitely communicate with your family members so they are aware that your life is going to have some changes, and hopefully they can support you wherever possible.

  4. Go easy on yourself. Remember, change takes time, and setbacks are a normal part of the process. Don't let a setback derail your progress. Instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and adjust your plan as needed. And don't forget to celebrate the small wins!

3. Forget the Outcome

Most of the time, improving our wellness comes with an ideal end "goal". Maybe it's to shrink a few sizes, maybe it's run a marathon. And having goals are really important! AND it's equally as important to focus on your progress over the outcome.

Benefits of focusing on the process:

  1. Motivation: Focusing on the outcome can be really discouraging. If your goal is to run a 5k and that's all you're thinking about, each day that you don't run a 5k can diminish your motivation. By focusing on progress, you'll be more likely to stay motivated. Did you run for an extra 5 minutes today? Did you choose a healthier meal option? Celebrate these accomplishments, and you'll be reminded how strong & capable you are, and more motivated to keep GOING!

  2. Mindfulness: by focusing on the process and all the little steps in between your goals, you are cultivating a mindset of mindfulness - staying in the present moment and finding gratitude for each and every step of the way!

  3. Flexibility: Life just happens sometimes and we get thrown curveballs. If that happens and you experience a halt, you'll realize that you can easily change your goals to accomplish something that fits in your lifestyle at that time. You won't feel this overwhelming sense of dread and want to give up completely.

  4. Sustainability: If all you are thinking about is losing those 10 pounds, you're less likely to make sustainable changes. You aren't thinking about increasing your wellness, you're thinking about decreasing your weight and however you need to get there! Having an awareness of the process helps you to choose sustainable habits that will lead to a long-lasting lifestyle change.


Cultivating a Wellness Mindset is so important to have when working on your Wellness & Nutrition goals! Remember, we want you to find a Wellness Lifestyle that you LOVE - that works for you & your life, and lasts a lifetime.


Do you have more questions about Cultivating a Wellness Mindset?

Find me wherever you like to hangout & let me know!


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Not sure if working with a Wellness & Nutrition Coach is right for you? Book a FREE discovery call & let's chat about the areas you need support in, & I'll see if I can help.

PS: You are worthy of living and capable of creating a healthy lifestyle you love. 🤍


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