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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 26, 20213 min read
Why and HOW to Eat More Beans
What do you think of when I say "beans"? For a long time, I thought of 2 things: black beans and refried beans! I almost always...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 25, 20212 min read
Quick Oats for a Quick, Satisfying Breakfast
Quick CONFESSION: For years, I avoided quick-cooking oatmeal because I had it in my head that it is less nutritious. There's a TINY bit...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 22, 20211 min read
Stressed Out? Try these strategies from my Instagram community!
I was so fortunate to talk recently with Shannon South, a stress relief expert who shared strategies for reducing stress in your life,...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 21, 20212 min read
Sticky Veggie Rice with Crispy Tofu
A variation of this simple but DELICIOUS dinner is a go-to for me! It's plant-based/vegan and gluten free, and great for a busy night...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 20, 20213 min read
Is it healthy to track the food you eat?
I have this conversation with new 1:1 nutrition coaching clients on a regular basis, so I've given this question a lot of thought! My...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 19, 20213 min read
Reverse Meal Planning to Save Money & Reduce Food Waste
Some of my group coaching members were chatting about this during last night's meeting and some wonderful points came up that may help...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 18, 20211 min read
A Sample REALISTIC Plant-Based Meal Plan
Working on my quick meal plan for the week & wanted to share! I write it out all different ways - in my planner, on the kitchen white...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 17, 20212 min read
Cabbage Lentil Crockpot Soup
Try this SOUPer simple, cozy, nutritious, and budget-friendly soup! Lentils are high in plant protein, fiber, all kinds of minerals...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 16, 20212 min read
Tips for Healthy Eating Out
When you're trying to be health conscious, eating out can feel a little scary. What do I even order?? As a girl who LOVES to eat out, a...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 15, 20212 min read
How much water should we be drinking, and why is it so important?
On average, the adult human body is made up of about 60% water! (It can range from about 50-75%.) Everything from our brain, skin, and...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 14, 20214 min read
Don't like vegetables but know you SHOULD be eating more? Try these tricks!
Does anyone remember this food pyramid?? These are the guidelines I know I grew up on! Kind of fascinating to reflect on, knowing other...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 13, 20212 min read
Guided Meditation for Mornings
This post is special. I’m sharing with you my own morning meditation, adapted from a variety of different versions that I’ve found...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 12, 20213 min read
Building a Salad that's a Meal (& that you want to eat!)
I used to avoid eating salads for lunch for several different reasons, including: the flavors were boring they were annoying to eat they...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 11, 20212 min read
Planning a Week of Plant-Based Meals
I thought today I'd take you along as I plan & prep for meals this week! While I don't do a full formal "meal prep" session these days, I...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 10, 20214 min read
Mental Health is Health
When I was in graduate school, I'd slip away once or twice a week, between morning teaching and evening classes, to have "coffee with a...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 8, 20214 min read
How Yoga Is Changing Me, On & Off My Mat
Sipping water after a sweaty & challenging power yoga class, wondering what it is that keeps making me drag myse lf out of bed at 5am for...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 7, 20213 min read
When I'm Asked, "Do You Help People Lose Weight?" This is What I Say
I've written before about how most things in life are not black and white, and there is SO much room in the gray area. I really do...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 6, 20213 min read
I figured out what's in my way - What's in yours?
Part of a new morning ritual I've been enjoying is reading for personal development. I spend just a few pages, just a few minutes, with a...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 5, 20212 min read
National Do Something Nice Day (or Random Acts of Kindness for ANY Day!)
If there was ever a day in our world that we should be making a bigger fanfare about, I'd say it's this one! Sure, we can do nice things...
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Stephanie Genco Gasiecki
Oct 4, 20213 min read
Tips for Healthy Eating On the Go!
You are so busy. We are all so, so busy. Sometimes eating literally feels like life or death as you head from school to work, from work...
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